Independent Contractor Fundamentals
I understand that this handbook replaces any and all prior verbal and written communications regarding the company’s working conditions, policies, procedures, appeal processes, and benefits.
I understand that the working conditions, policies, procedures, appeal processes, and benefits described in this handbook are confidential and may not be distributed in any way nor discussed with anyone who is not an Independent Contractor of the company.
I have read and understood the contents of this handbook and will act in accordance with these policies and procedures as a condition of my contract with the company.
I have read and understood the Company Policies expected by I Need A VA and I agree to act in accord with it as a condition of my contract with the company.
I understand that if I have questions or concerns at any time about the Independent Contractor’s Fundamentals, I will consult the Chief Operating Officer, Workforce, and the Human Resource Specialist for clarification.
Finally, I understand that the contents of this handbook are simply policies and guidelines, not a contract or implied contract with the Independent Contractors. The contents of the Independent Contractor Fundamentals may change at any time.